Stress has increasingly invaded multi areas of our daily life over the last few years. We are impacted by external and personal influences such as cost of living, our relationships, caring roles, work related and dealing with our time poor stressful modern society. 2024 research suggests that 2 in 5 women’s mental health has deteriorated in the past year citing burnout, mental load and juggling work/life/family as the main reasons (Liptember, 2025).
If we are not in a healthy state in our relationships or our mental, emotional and physical states, we place a huge stress load on our wellbeing, elevating our stress responses and ability to cope well. As women, we often sit on the edge of exhaustion feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. When we understand what we are dealing with we can take steps to reduce the impact of stress in our life. Stress is a natural response to life’s challenges and situations as it informs our body that something needs attention; it is the body’s reaction to the challenges it faces. The Stress Response is our alarm system that is identified as the fight, flight, freeze or fawn responses. Resistance to our stress alarm causes exhaustion – potentially leading to a breakdown in our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Stress is experienced as either Acute stress which is short lived, it resolves quickly when triggered or the event passes, or Chronic stress which is a stress response that lasts for a long time, it is persistent and unresolved. The stress response is continually being triggered.
There are 5 types of Stress impacting our lives that can be identified as positive, tolerable or a toxic experience.
1. Physical Stress - is caused by things such as traumas, infections, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, injury, environmental, and or financial/economic pressures.
2. Psychological Stress - emerges from emotional fears, frustration, anxiety, panic attacks, world views, and attitudes.
3. Psychosocial Stress - is stress related to all relationship impacts such as isolation, reduced social support, and survival mode etc.
4. Psycho Spiritual Stress - is caused by the impact from a crisis in values, meaning and purpose. Or a misalignment with one’s spiritual belief system.
5. Eustress is a stress response that can have a positive influence - such as helping meet goals.
Research suggests that 95% of all diseases are linked to stress (Mental Health, 2024). This is an alarming statistic especially if women's mental wellbeing continues to deteriorate.
If stress is not managed - it can lead to headaches, heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, constricted throat, shallow breathing, physical and emotional pain and suffering. Mentally we shut down.
How to cope with stress emotions
o Be aware of / acknowledge how you feel
o Do not blame others
o Identify what is causing the stress
o Be respectful of yourself, your time, and your choices (self-care)
o Know that you are not alone
o Research and practice different ways to help you to manage and/or eliminate stress (See article “Great Ideas to Help Manage Stress” 20 Jan 25)
o Consider seeking professional support like a Holistic Counsellor, Coach, Natural Therapist, etc.
(Information sourced from: www.health.qld.gov.au ; www.healthdirect.gov.au ; www.mentalhealth.net.au, www.liptemberfoundation.org.au/2024-womens-mental-health-research)
We are here to help: https://www.chibalanceholisticwellness.com/practitionerservices