The wellbeing of our community within our modern society is reflected in how well we treat our most vulnerable members.
The challenge for many, post covid restrictions, was how to reconnect with like minds and re-engage with community. Our foremothers understood the importance of sitting together to share knowledge and information, to listen, and provide support where needed.
A few weeks ago, Chi Balance Holistic Wellness and Education started free weekly talks on various topics related to women’s wellbeing including healthy relationships. This has become a journey of self-discovery and reconnection. Those attending have shared their own experiences, which has allowed us to learn from each other.
Last week, we discussed our Trust and Respect Wheel (2023, M. Kennedy & G.R. Chivers); a holistic perspective on what a healthy relationship looks like (see previous blog post on the Trust and Respect Wheel for Healthy Relationships). The feedback relating to the Trust and Respect Wheel has been significant, as participants learn to rebuild relationship with self and develop healthy relationships with others. It has been inspiring and motivating for us all.
One interesting fact that emerged through these free talks, was just how little we understand other people’s culture and perspective/view of the world. Until we are able to step into that person’s culture and are able to truly listen/be present without judgement, and for a moment, walk in their shoes, we will continue to struggle to establish positively empowered relationships with each other.
Respect and consideration of others includes the ability to look at how another person sees and views the world, what they value and why, and to be considerate and honouring. By doing so, we build stronger relationships and become more effective in supporting and finding solutions. Further, we come to understand ourselves better.
The power of coming together and connecting to rebuild a stronger wellbeing for self and others is a valuable contribution to the ability for a community to thrive.
When we stop connecting, we stop growing. When we stop growing, society collapses. Society is better than the disrespectful and abusive behaviours that are often happening in our own backyards and within our communities – unreported – directly impacting the most vulnerable. Instead – be curious. Talk, listen, learn - connect. Their experience reflects the wellbeing of us all.
Time to reconnect.
For more information about upcoming talks, please visit our website at ChiBalanceHolisticWellness.com.
With love.