Domestic violence and relationship abuse is rife across our society. We see it on the news, in our family and friend circles, and many of us experience incidents personally. The statistics from the ABS tell us that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men(1) are experiencing some abuse in their relationships.
We agree that more support is needed to help victims of abuse stand up and step out, and for perpetrators to access the help they need to enable them to make new, healthier choices – and for both, to heal.
Demand for crisis support services like Lifeline, Respect, and DV Connect are growing. It is getting harder and harder to access qualified practitioner support, and many people are falling through the gaps – unable to find a way out of their situation.
Chi Balance Holistic Wellness and Education are supporting women (& men) through recovery via professional practitioner services, education, and creative wellness programs. The goal is to build self-awareness, mental and emotional resilience, improve communication, awareness of choice, self-empowerment, and the courage to step up and step out safely. As part of this, we found that many women (and men) do not know what a healthy relationship looks like, so we developed a positive version of the below ‘Power and Control’ wheel that was developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, Minnesota in 1984.
Our positive version of the above is a ‘Trust and Respect’ wheel for healthy relationships.
We hope that you will share this model and let us know what you think of it. If the above image is a bit blurry, please email us for a clear pdf version at connect at Subject: Trust & Respect Wheel.
Here's to your health and wellbeing.
Monica and Gayl
1 ) Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022, August 24). Domestic Violence: Experiences of Partner Emotional Abuse. ABS.