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Great Ideas to Help Manage Stress

There are many skills, behaviours and strategies available for most individuals to use when dealing with stress that will improve wellbeing and benefit overall health. With this in mind, we have put together a list of coping strategies, skills and behaviours for managing stress. Go through the list and try any activity that feels right for you.

Did you know: Coping with stress strategies can be either task-focused or emotion-focused. Task-focused is aimed at balancing the demands in life with the resources available for use. Whereas emotion-focused outcomes aim to shift how life demands make us feel.


Taking time out to totally relax the mind and body takes practice, alternatively try remembering a time when you felt really relaxed in the past and then create that feeling in the present. 

Progressive relaxation

Progressively work through all your muscles. Tense each muscle up, hold briefly and slowly release; Start at your feet, work up your legs, trunk, arms, hands fingers, finally your head and face.


Taking slow deep breaths helps to reduce the blood pressure, slow the pulse down and reduce the heart rate.


Movement takes many forms, just get started.


Take a quick walk round your garden, or the local park; bushwalk in a rainforest national park or botanical gardens. Natures helps us re charge our batteries.

Walking will support you recentre and reground. It is also an opportunity to sort the head talk.


Gives your wellness a holistic boost. Movement supports your mental wellbeing as well as your physical and emotional state.


Relieves muscle tension


Research indicates 2x quick silent moments through the day reduces depression. A morning session helps you feel calmer through the day. An evening session may quieten the mind before rest.

Close eyes

Regain calmness and focus.  This works really well with breath work. (Note: Only do this exercise when it is safe to do so).

Create a Zen zone

A quiet space in your environment, this will give you a break from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

Find the Sun

When you feel the sun touching your skin/face it uplifts your mood and gives you energy. (Note: be sun safe!)

Be alone

5 mins alone is enough to support your wellbeing. (This really works, just ask any mother) Breathing space to reset your clock.


Write what you are experiencing, this gets it out of your head. Just take up the pen and start writing, it doesn’t have to make sense, keep writing until you stop or feel calmer.


Listen to music that makes you feel good, it helps you to be calm.

Make music through drumming, playing an instrument or make noise in time with the beat of your favourite music.


Play with paint, pencils or other mediums; it will take the focus away from the stress onto the activity. And it’s fun!


Is good for the soul; it increases the blood flow through your body and brain and boosts your immunity.

Pat or play with a loving Pet

Pets are known for their unconditional love, loyalty and calming effect.


Eating dark chocolate reduces your stress and improves depression.

(Be mindful of healthy choices. Everything in balance.)

Chew gum

This action helps to remove tension in the jaw.

Green tea

Antioxidants in green tea promotes health and wellbeing. Studies suggest stress, tension and emotions like anger may also be reduced through the calming and relaxation effect of this brew.


Research suggests honey may reduce brain inflammation and supports a healthy nervous system, thus supporting reduce stress.

Stress balls

Squeezing a stress ball, this is very satisfying.

Hand Massage

Give yourself a hand massage, touching your hands or rubbing your hands & fingers together supports reduce tension and stress.

Count backwards

This will take your focus off your issues. Bit like a reset.

Get organised

Reorganise your life/day. When stressed or overwhelmed it can be a struggle to be motivated to self-organise, however, it is well worth the effort.  

Schedule your day

Write up what you need to do in your calendar.  It gets it out of your head and supports you to stay organised and stay on track.

Rubbing feet over a textured ball

Supports soothing tension in the body.

Drip cold water on wrists

Removes your focus from your thoughts to the activity. It works for some individuals.

Have a relaxing bath

Think about warm water, essential oils and a candle to help you relax.

Get a good night’s sleep

Have or create a routine, one that helps your body wind down into a rest cycle. Recognise the cause of the stress impacting sleep, be aware at times it is difficult to sleep well, rest when tired/sleepy.

Talk to a friend

Positive connection with others is important for wellbeing. 

Professional Support

Seek professional support from a therapeutic practitioner of your choice. Discuss with your GP what options are available to meet your needs.

Don’t take anything personally

Become an observer. It supports the process of de-stressing.

Be respectful

Of yourself, your time, and your choices. Be amazed at the result you receive.

Continue the list

Write down what works for you.

Need support to help you to de-stress? We are here to help.

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