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Women's Wellbeing: Empowered Personality Profiling (over 2 Saturday mornings)

Sat, 11 Nov



Take time out for you! Enjoy relaxing, creative, fun, and engaging activities to learn more about your own uniqueness, your underlying drivers and primary life purpose. Powerfully simple tools that are great for leaders, relationships and teams to better understand yourself - and others. It's fun!

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Women's Wellbeing: Empowered Personality Profiling (over 2 Saturday mornings)
Women's Wellbeing: Empowered Personality Profiling (over 2 Saturday mornings)

Time & Location

11 Nov 2023, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm AEST

Cleveland, Cleveland QLD 4163, Australia

About the event

NOTE: These interactive workshops are a designed for small groups only (up to 12) so that the facilitator has time to provide personal insight and to answer your questions. Sharing is always optional.

Leaders have been using personality profiling for a long time to grow themselves and to grow their businesses.

  • Do you know what your purpose is?
  • Do you know your strengths and weaknesses and how to work them to your greatest advantage?
  • Are you in the right job?
  • Are your life, work and relationship choices working for you?

There may be a reason that will become clear to you once you see EPP (Empowered Personality Profiling) in action. If you are not sure about any of these things, then EPP might be the most powerful thing you could do for yourself at this point in your life.

Hello, my name is Marnee Kent and I am the creator and facilitator of Empowered Personality Profiling. It is based on the work of the late Dr Jose Arguelles and his work associated with the Mayan calendar system.

I launched EPP to help others to see who they truly are at their core – their essence – and in doing so help them to make the right choices for the right reasons, bringing about results that are far more fulfilling and much easier for them to attain.

About Marnee

I am a published Author, Artist, and retired Transpersonal Art Therapist who knows we all have talents, abilities and a life purpose that many are not yet aware of. My book is called ‘Dreams, Visions & Intuitions – Awaken to the Call of Your Own Innate Power’ based on my own life experiences. I also run ‘Hearts Wisdom ArtWorks’ which is a mixed media process using watercolour and pastel that Spirit asked me to teach to others in 2000. I call it ArtWorks because it absolutely does work and you don’t need to have any prior experience to paint with this particular process. Lookout for upcoming 'Hearts Wisdom ArtWorks' soon, or request a private group session.

About these Workshops

Workshop 1: The Pattern and the Star Tree  

Saturday 11th November 9am - 12pm

Morning Tea included

  • Discover your personal approach to problem solving, solutions and related communication, 
  • eg. are you a detail or big picture person? 
  • Why does that matter? How does that influence communication with others?
  • Using colour pencils (provided, or you are welcome to bring your own) we will complete a fun colouring activity to help us find out!

The star tree is another fun activity used to help us understand our primary values (emotional, mental, spiritual). Your values drive your decisions and what you achieve in life. 

  • Expand your self-awareness
  • Find out what matters to you, and how that influences your daily actions
  • Enjoy some laughter and light refreshments for morning tea

Workshop 2: Empowered Personality Profiling (Mayan)

Saturday 25th November 9am - 12pm

Morning Tea included

Based on ancient Mayan culture, this insightful workshop takes you deeper into understanding who you are and what your primary role/purpose is here on the planet. 

  • Is your authentic self an initiator, refiner, transformer, or harvester from birth? How does that align with your life interests, career, etc.?
  • What aspect of your authentic self you are working with today? 
  • What are your present challenges (this process will reveal them)
  • What are your strengths?
  • Who are your support people?
  • What is your guiding influence?
  • Do you have a hidden aspect of self?
  • What is your soul purpose?

Find out all of this within just a few short hours - and have fun doing it!

  • Expand your self-awareness
  • Find out about you, and how that influences your daily actions
  • Enjoy some laughter and light refreshments for morning tea


  • Both days 11 & 25 Nov - VIP

    We have discounted these workshops to ensure access for anyone who'd like to attend.

    Sale ended
  • 11 Nov Workshop Only

    This is a discounted ticket to help make it easier for you to attend. We look forward to seeing you!

    Sale ended
  • 25 Nov Workshop only

    You are welcome to attend the 2nd workshop separately, but if so, you will need to contact us as you will have missed out on the first part of the information you will need for this day.

    Sale ended



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